Medicaid Bulletin
Medicaid Bulletin Monthly Digest
Articles beginning January 2018 are available in the blog format.
DHHS will hold a webinar on June 4, 2021, to provide an update on the development of the Specialized Foster Care Plan.
Topics include: key dates, contracting reminders, provider ombudsman, playbook updates, outreach to patient panels, webinars, provider directory, PHP quick reference guides, Help Center and Tailored Care Management certification.
NC DHHS announced the selection of organizations to serve three regions of the state
To ensure providers meet contractual obligations to keep credentials current, notifications of suspension for failure to update a credential prior to the expiration date on file with NCTracks were implemented in May.
Medicaid beneficiaries currently eligible to transition to managed care have selected or been assigned a health plan.
NC Medicaid is updating the 1G-2 Skin Substitutes Policy.