Topics Related to All Providers

Program Year 2020 Webinar Series, The Security Risk Analysis (SRA) and Program Year 2021 Announcements.

The following new or amended clinical coverage policies are available on the Clinical Coverage Policies web page on NC Medicaid’s website. 

The NC Medicaid Annual Quality report and an updated NC Medicaid Managed Care Quality Measurement Technical Specifications Manual are available.

NCDHHS has implemented a PCP practice reassignment process to better match beneficiaries to the PCP with whom they already have an active relationship with to help ensure the best health plan is selected during auto-enrollment.

Clinical Coverage Policy 1A-41, Office-Based Opioid Treatment is being updated to add buprenorphine for the treatment of patients aged 16 years and older.

An amended version of Clinical Coverage Policy 1E-7, Family Planning Services, with an effective date of May 1, 2021, will post to the NC Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policy webpage.

NC Medicaid is extending COVID-19 temporary provider rate increases and clinical coverage policies through June 30, 2021.

This Bulletin updates rates previously published in SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #152 and SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #160. Effective March 15, 2021, NC Medicaid is aligning reimbursement for COVID-19 vaccine administration with the CMS increased Medicare rate of $40 per dose.

It has come to the attention of NC Medicaid that Edit 02088, which enforces a rule that coverage of procedure code G9919 for Healthy Opportunities Screening, Assessment and Referrals (HOSAR) positive screenings, be limited to providers affiliated with Carolina Access II based on the rendering provider NPI. 

Key Dates for Transitioning to Medicaid Managed Care, PHP Quick Reference Guides Created, Provider Contracting Reminders, Provider Playbook Updates, Medicaid Contacts Reference Guide for Beneficiaries, Help Center, Webinars, Virtual Office Hours, Meet and Greet Sessions.