Topics Related to Community Alternatives Program (CAP/C & CAP/DA) Providers

Proposed CAP/DA Waiver amendment posted for public comment

Providers are required to complete the EVV readiness survey by July 22, 2022

Sharing Vacant CAP/DA Slots and Waiver Amendments

Waiver extension has been approved by CMS

NC Medicaid has extended its deadline to February 2022 to send the renewed waiver application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to request approval of the CAP/C waiver for another five years.

This Bulletin contains updates on the implementation of electronic visit verification (EVV) claims adjudication, entering manual visits, alternate EVV solutions, EVV system updates, EVV implementation for Innovations and TBI Waivers administered by LME-MCOs, EVV implementation for managed care health plans, and quick help tips and resources. 

UPDATE Oct. 28, 2021: Procedure code T1004 has been removed from this list, as it is excluded, and was originally listed in error. EVV visits for respite services must follow EVV capture requirements.

NC Medicaid will end the pay and report period for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) claims on May 31, 2021. A stakeholder meeting will be held on Friday, May 21, 2021, at 10 a.m. to share EVV implementation updates and provide training to support provider readiness for June 1, 2021.