Topics Related to Hospital Providers

Select provider types enrolled in the NC Medicaid Program are required to file annual Medicaid cost reports utilizing cost reporting schedules which are based on approved Medicare cost reporting platforms.

NC Medicaid is implementing time-limited, targeted, enhanced swing bed reimbursement rates to provide additional financial support to hospitals that provide post-acute care services to COVID-19 positive (“COVID+”) Medicaid beneficiaries and non-COVID+ Medicaid beneficiaries transferred from other acute care hospitals as part of a surge response.  

Effective Oct. 1, 2019, two additional ICD-10 codes will be added to the LARC DRG reimbursement retroactive date of Oct. 1, 2018.  

Providers must bill with the following HCPCS code, and the appropriate ICD-10 PCS code on the inpatient hospital claim to receive the LARC DRG reimbursement.

Recommended updates to the NC Medicaid and Health Choice Preferred Drug List (PDL) as approved by the NC Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee and the NC Physician Advisory Group (PAG) were posted for the required 45-day public comment period on Apr. 2, 2019.

NC Medicaid has instructed Health Management System (HMS) to resume audits of hospital outpatient claims. These reviews are commencing now, as the claims adjustment reason code issue has been resolved.

Effective for dates of service on or after Oct. 1, 2018, the following DRG classifications specific to LARCs will be added to the current Grouper 36 version within NCTracks for claims reimbursement.