Tailored Plan 101: Ready, Set, Launch Series
New series begins June 16, 2022

New series begins June 16, 2022

Join NC Medicaid Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shannon Dowler, for the June Back Porch Chat on Thursday, June 16 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. This chat is the first in a series of monthly webinars that will build over the next six months to ensure that all of us are ready for launch of Tailored Plans in December 2022!

Register for the series

This webinar series occurs the third Thursday of each month and is designed to support all Medicaid providers, practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care coordinators and other leaders within your practice to help you prepare for the launch. 

The June 16 chat will include critical background you need to be ready for launch, including:  

  • key aspects of the Tailored Plan program and the history of how we got here,  
  • what your patients should know now, and  
  • what providers of all types should be doing now to prepare!  

Tailored Plan 101: Ready, Set, Launch Series Schedule

  • June 16, 2022 - Tailored Plan 101 Series Part 1: Preparing for Tailored Plan 
  • July 21, 2022 - Tailored Plan 101 Series Part 2: Integrating Behavioral Health and Physical Health, Tailored Care Management and Advanced Medical Home
  • Aug. 18, 2022 - Tailored Plan 101 Series Part 3: Transitions of Care, Network Adequacy & Readiness 
  • Sept. 15, 2022 - Countdown to Tailored Plan Launch: Who is Who
  • Oct. 20, 2022 - Countdown to Tailored Plan Launch: Health Plan Accountability and Reporting
  • Nov. 17, 2022 - Ready Set Launch: What ifs of Tailored Plan Launch, Quick Reference Guides, Practice Supports 

Don't miss this opportunity to get important and timely information! The latest schedule, registration and information on previous webinars, including the recording, slides, and transcript are available on the AHEC Medicaid Managed Care website.  

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