Medicaid Bulletin

Medicaid Bulletin Monthly Digest

Medicaid Bulletin Archive

Articles beginning January 2018 are available in the blog format.

Effective July 1, 2022, Medicaid and NC Health Choice cover kit for the preparation of Gallium Ga 68 gozetotide injection

Provider manual update, guidance on position qualifications, phased assignment approach for Tailored Care Management providers and more.

Service field location effective date change from Oct. 5, 2022, to Jan. 1, 2023

NCDHHS will implement an Electronic Visit Verification system for Home Health Care services starting with a soft launch Jan. 1, 2023, and a hard launch April 1, 2023. This complies with the 21st Century Cures Act.

NC Medicaid is sharing a list of member counts for Advanced Medical Home practices affiliated with Tailored Plans

Effective June 22, 2022, Medicaid and NC Health Choice cover Nalmefene hydrochloride injection (Revex™)

Effective June 21, 2022, Medicaid and NC Health Choice cover Vutrisiran injection, for subcutaneous use (Amvuttra).

Effective June 22, 2022, Medicaid and NC Health Choice cover Risankizumab-rzaa Injection, for intravenous use (Skyrizi).

The PDAP Medicaid fee schedule requires multiple rate updates

CAHPS is a patient experience survey that serves as a national standard for measuring and reporting respondents’ experiences with their health care.