2023 Proposed Amendments Sent to CMS
- SPA 23-0001 Proposed Amendment (Estate Recovery)
- SPA 23-0002 Proposed Amendment (ED Bed Hold)
- SPA 23-0003 Proposed Amendment (Home Health EVV)
- SPA 23-0004 Proposed Amendment (8B Inpatient Behavioral Health Services)
- SPA 23-0006 Proposed Amendment (Opioid Treatment Program)
- SPA 23-0007 Proposed Amendment (Former Foster Care Coverage)
- SPA 23-0008 & SPA 23-0010 Proposed Amendment (SCHIP to MCHIP)
- SPA 23-0009 Proposed Amendment to CMS (MCHIP Expansion)
- SPA 23-0011 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Home Infusion Therapy -HIT)
- SPA 23-0012 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Eligible Medical Professionals-Physician's Services)
- SPA 23-0013 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Physician's Services)
- SPA 23-0014 10-Day PN Clinically Managed Residential Withdrawal Services
- SPA 23-0015 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Medically Monitored Inpatient Withdrawal Services)
- SPA 23-0016 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Disaster SPA Extension)
- SPA 23-0017 Proposed Amendment to CMS (CHIP Health Service Initiatives)
- 23-0018 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Ambulatory Withdrawal Management without Extended Onsite Monitoring)
- SPA 23-0019 Proposed Amendment to CMS (CMARC & CMHRP)
- 23-0020 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Ambulatory Withdrawal Mgmt with Extended On-Site Monitoring)
- SPA 23-0021 Proposed Amendment to CMS (RHC)
- SPA 23-0022 Proposed Amendment to CMS (FQHC)
- SPA 23-0024 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Maternity Services)
- SPA 23-0025 Proposed Amendment to CMS (PCS)
- SPA 23-0026 Proposed Amendment to CMS (SNF)
- SPA 23-0027 Proposed Amendment to CMS (PDN)
- SPA 23-0028 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Medicaid Expansion FMAP)
- SPA 23-0029 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Medicaid Expansion Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP)
- SPA 23-0030 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Medicaid Expansion Eligibility)
- SPA 23-0031 Proposed Amendment to CMS (CCNC Expansion)
- SPA 23-0032 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Tribal Option Expansion)
- SPA 23-0033 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Tribal Option - TCM)
- SPA 23-0034 Proposed Amendment to CMS (CCNC - TCM)
- SPA 23-0035 Proposed Amendment to CMS (OTC Exclusion)
- SPA 23-0036 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Adult CoPay Vaccines - Preventive Services)
- SPA 23-0037 Proposed Amendment Sent to CMS (Home Health Services)
- SPA 23-0038 Proposed Amendment to CMS (Indian Health Service (IHS) Facility Tribal Notification)
- SPA 23-0039 (Enhanced Medical Home Payments)
- SPA 23-0040 (Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)
- SPA 23-0041 Proposed Amendment Sent to CMS (Dental Procedures Ambulatory Ctrs)
- SPA 23-0042 (HIV Medication Co-Pay Exemption)
- SPA 23-0043 Proposed Amendment to CMS (CHIP Optional FMAP Allotment)
- SPA 23-0044 (PDN-EPSDT)
- SPA 23-0047 Proposed Amendment Sent to CMS (Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE)
- SPA 23-0048 Proposed Amendment Sent to CMS (Personal Needs Allowance Increase)
- SPA 23-0049 Proposed Amendment Sent to CMS (Medicaid Postpartum Proxy Methodology)
- SPA 23-0050 Proposed Amendment Sent to CMS (Private Duty Nursing (PDN)-Addition of Near Relative)