Topics Related to All Providers

Updates for NC Immunization Program/Vaccines for Children and Medicaid Beneficiaries

Pharmacy Point of Sale claims for members enrolled Tailored Plans will be managed by NCTracks when Tailored Plans launch through March 31, 2023.

Key milestones, playbook updates, verifying eligibility, reverification and more

Materials to support providers in sharing information with beneficiaries

Vaccine administration code changes effective Aug. 1.

CMS requires that all Medicaid providers are recredentialed

Independent laboratories shall bill services to the hospital for whom they are providing clinical lab services. Hospitals should bill the PHPs.

NCDHHS and NC AHEC are partnering to hold a webinar about the monkeypox outbreak and response efforts in North Carolina: Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 6-7:15 p.m.

Base codes are aligned with related procedures in the same family; a new endoscopy family is also created. Effective in NCTracks July 31, 2022.

Effective Aug. 1, 2022, only the technical component of an onsite radiology service performed at FQHCs/RHCs will be separately reimbursed by Medicaid