Topics Related to All Providers

What services are available, in which regions, and how providers can refer patients.

Updates on Tailored Plan criteria review, eligibility criteria, enrollment and health care options, and resources for Beneficiaries and Providers.

Providers shall not bill a NC Medicaid beneficiary for services furnished to a beneficiary who the provider has accepted as a Medicaid patient.

Service field location effective date change from Oct. 5, 2022, to Jan. 1, 2023

NC Medicaid is working with Standard Plans to create easier pathways for providers to reach Standard Plans and resolve panel issues.

The PDAP Medicaid fee schedule requires multiple rate updates

Evaluates the impact of the North Carolina Medicaid Transformation on primary care and obstetrics/gynecology (Ob/Gyn) practices

CAHPS is a patient experience survey that serves as a national standard for measuring and reporting respondents’ experiences with their health care.

Quality metrics that will assess health plans’ performance across their populations

A delay in identifying individuals in NCTracks as dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid has been discovered.