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Effective Feb. 16, 2024, individuals requesting to receive services may be placed on a waitlist.

Effective with date of service Jan. 16, 2024, NC Medicaid covers benzathine benzylpenicillin (Extencilline)

This rate increase in the latest Physician Administered Drug Program fee schedule supports treating Medicaid members for Congenital Syphilis.

NC Medicaid began accepting Federally-facilitated Marketplace Eligibility Determinations Feb. 1, 2024

Eastpointe and Trillium Health Resources have consolidated into one entity, and Sandhills Center has dissolved.

Includes information on LME/MCO consolidation, Innovations and TBI waivers, federal fee increase, updates to NCTracks, Medicaid expansion and more.

Includes rate considerations for Medicaid Expansion members effective Dec. 1, 2023.

CorDx, GoToKnow, FaStep COVID-19 AG Home Tests added to coverage.

Fact sheets provide key findings, trends, improvements and new programs