Topics Related to Medicaid Direct

NC Medicaid Direct PA effective begin and end dates will be modified to align with the individual’s eligibility segment.

A new PA is required for beneficiaries returning to NC Medicaid Direct.

New billable codes available Sept.1 to address social drivers of health

WellCare broker update, contracting with transportation brokers, emergent care reminder

CMS PERM audit educational provider webinar to be held in April 2022

Charter schools, as Local Education Agencies, are to participate in North Carolina Medicaid reimbursement.

Fact sheets that address questions related to the Standard Plan disenrollment process for children in foster care are now available.

Key dates, Playbook updates, Medicaid Direct, fabrication of eyeglasses, managed care eligibility for newborns, prior authorization, FAQs, Provider Ombudsman, Provider directory, PHP quick reference guides and help center.

Upcoming Key Milestone Dates, Playbook Updates, Request to Move to NC Medicaid Direct Process, Prior Authorizations, Frequently Asked Questions, Contracting Reminders, Ombudsman and Webinars

Effective Oct. 1, 2021, immunizing pharmacists are authorized to administer Long Acting Injectable (LAI) medications.