Topics Related to Primary Care Providers

This form is for members who wish to change their primary care assignment throughout the year.

The week of October 11, Carolina Access practices will receive a new PCCM agreement from CCNC. Signing this agreement allows practices to receive or continue to receive practice assignment data or quality data for NC Medicaid Direct beneficiaries. This does not apply to Carolina Access providers participating in the EBCI Tribal Option.

NCDHHS has implemented a PCP practice reassignment process to better match beneficiaries to the PCP with whom they already have an active relationship with to help ensure the best health plan is selected during auto-enrollment.

The Foundation for Health Leadership and Innovation's Center of Excellence for Integrated Care, in partnership with UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, is conducting a short survey.

In response to the higher than normal number of influenza cases and influenza-related complications and deaths, North Carolina Medicaid is offering telephonic evaluation and management services to beneficiaries who are actively experiencing flu-like symptoms. The purpose of this service is to assist primary care providers assessing established patients over the telephone to gather additional information.

On May 15, 2019, an amended version of Clinical Coverage Policy 10C, Outpatient Specialized Therapies, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), was posted to the North Carolina Medicaid website. The following updates were made in accordance with State Plan Amendment (SPA) NC 18-0005.

Nearly 2,900 North Carolina Medicaid providers have already certified as Advanced Medical Homes (AMHs). It is important that practices understand the meaning of this designation and the associated requirements on primary care providers (PCPs).

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services developed the Advanced Medical Home program as the primary vehicle for delivering local care management as the state transitions to Medicaid managed care.