DHHS Provider Resources for Transition to Medicaid Managed Care

<p>The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recently launched an online &ldquo;Provider Playbook&rdquo; as part of its commitment to ensure providers have resources to help Medicaid beneficiaries transition smoothly to Medicaid Managed Care. This new Provider Playbook is a collection of information and tools specifically tailored to providers.</p>

Author: GDIT, (800) 688-6696

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recently launched an online “Provider Playbook” as part of its commitment to ensure providers have resources to help Medicaid beneficiaries transition smoothly to Medicaid Managed Care. This new Provider Playbook is a collection of information and tools specifically tailored to providers.

The first resources include:

Fact Sheet #1. Medicaid Transformation: Overview. What will change for Medicaid beneficiaries, what providers can expect with Medicaid Managed Care, and how providers can partner with the Department to support beneficiaries during the transition.

Fact Sheet #2. Medicaid Transformation: Beneficiary Enrollment & Timelines. How health plans are either selected or assigned to beneficiaries and when enrollment opportunities occur.

Overview of the Beneficiary Enrollment Experience in NC Medicaid Managed Care for Medicaid Providers. A detailed look at what beneficiaries will experience over the next few months as they transition to Medicaid Managed Care. In addition to details on Fact Sheet topics, it includes information on recertification, appeals and grievances, Behavioral Health I/DD Tailored Plans and transition of care. 

New resources will be added to the Provider Playbook as they become available.

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