Prior Approvals for Out of State Services Changes

The adjudication of some prior approvals will be performed by GDIT Fiscal Agent Operations Reviewers instead of clinical reviewers at NC Medicaid

Effective Sept. 1, 2022, the adjudication of prior approvals (PA) for Out-of-State (OOS) Medical and Surgery services, Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy and Annual Legislative Visit Limit Overrides for NC Medicaid Direct beneficiaries will be performed by GDIT Fiscal Agent Operations Reviewers instead of clinical reviewers at NC Medicaid. 

A physician will complete a final determination of OOS and CAR T-Cell Therapy PAs. The GDIT Fiscal Agent Operations Reviewers will complete and send approval/denial letters to the requesting in-state providers after each review. 

The basic process of submitting a PA for OOS services, CAR T-Cell Therapy and Annual Legislative Visit Limit Overrides will remain the same, other than GDIT will be reviewing the requests and communicating the results. 

Providers can email with any questions or issues with OOS services.

  • Documentation for PA requests may be faxed to 855-710-1964.  
  • For GDIT customer service, please call 800-688-6696.


NCTracks Call Center: 800-688-6696

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