Medicaid Bulletin
Medicaid Bulletin Monthly Digest
Articles beginning January 2018 are available in the blog format.
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Due to diminished need, NC Medicaid will no longer accept new requests to serve as a Response Facility from nursing homes, effective Monday, June 21, 2021.
NC Medicaid is seeking input on how North Carolina can most effectively allocate the funds.
Effective July 1, 2021, providers must use the most appropriate diagnosis code as the primary diagnosis for the well child exam.
NCTracks has continued sending reminder notices to providers advising of the requirement to update expiring credentials and keep them current.
Key milestone dates, where to turn for help, Provider Playbook, PHP quick reference guides, webinars, Provider Directory, Help Center and Provider Ombudsman.
Effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2021, prior approval for solid organ and stem cell transplants will no longer be required.
NC Medicaid is seeking input from people who work in HCBS, those who receive care and the public on how North Carolina can most effectively allocate the funds.
This Bulletin contains updates on the implementation of electronic visit verification (EVV) claims adjudication, entering manual visits, alternate EVV solutions, EVV system updates, EVV implementation for Innovations and TBI Waivers administered by LME-MCOs, EVV implementation for managed care health plans, and quick help tips and resources.
Beginning May 9, 2021, NC Medicaid initiated additional steps to ensure providers meet their contractual obligation to keep credentials current on their NCTracks provider enrollment record.
Medicaid is adding codes into NCTracks to report negative pressure wound therapy utilizing disposable, non-durable medical equipment.