Medicaid Bulletin

Medicaid Bulletin Monthly Digest

Medicaid Bulletin Archive

Articles beginning January 2018 are available in the blog format.

Casirivimab and Imdevimab have been given emergency use authorization for treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in some patients.

OSA has begun the Single Audit for state fiscal year 2021

Tips for providers to reduce the likelihood of future documentation errors

Billing codes for Medicaid beneficiaries

Providers rendering personal care services subject to EVV through the prepaid health plan payer type have until Oct. 1, 2021 to complete EVV credentialing and begin processing EVV claims.

PHPs are required to provide drug coverage to Medicaid beneficiaries consistent with the drug coverage determined by NC Medicaid under fee for service.

To support providers during the recent COVID-19 surge, the policy for in-network provider provisions has been extended

Taxonomy codes must be included when submitting claims to prepaid health plans

Ensure compliance with the HCBS final rule and prepare Tailored Plans and Providers for the launch of Tailored Care Management.