Tailored Care Management Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

The Tailored Care Management Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will advise and inform the Department on key aspects of the design, implementation, and evolution of Tailored Care Management.

Tailored Care Management TAG will be the primary venue for dialogue among providers, Tailored Plans, consumers/ families/guardians, the Department, and other key stakeholders for evolution of the Tailored Care Management program. 

Tailored Care Management Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting Schedule

Meeting Date



July 26, 2024 10-11 a.m. Join Teams meeting here
August 23, 2024 10-11 a.m. Join Teams meeting here

TCM TAG Data Subcommittee

The TCM TAG established a Data Subcommittee to support the TCM TAG by providing recommendations and feedback on Tailored Care Management data and system-related matters. Similar to the TCM TAG, the Data Subcommittee is an advisory body chaired by NC Medicaid and consists of care management data and information system subject matter experts from participating LME/MCOs, Advanced Medical Home Plus (AMH+) practices, Care Management Agencies (CMAs), Clinically Integrated Network (CIN) and Other Partners, and Tribal Option.

TCM TAG Data Subcommittee Meetings Schedule 2024

Future TCM TAG Data Subcommittee Meetings and links are posted here and will occur quarterly.

Meeting Date



July 18, 2024 3:30 - 5:00 PM Join Teams meeting here

Previous Meetings

2024 Meetings

Tab/Accordion Items

2023 Meetings

Tab/Accordion Items

Note: Occurrence was cancelled. 

2022 Meetings

Tab/Accordion Items

2021 Meetings

Tab/Accordion Items

This page was last modified on 07/12/2024