Topics Related to COVID-19

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and the NC Area Health Education Center are partnering in a free webinar series, DHHS COVID-19 Guidance for Dental Professionals, designed to support dental providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This bulletin replaces SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #79 in its entirety. NC Medicaid has temporarily modified its Telemedicine and Telepsychiatry Clinical Coverage Policy to better enable the delivery of remote care to Medicaid beneficiaries. 

CARES Act Provider Relief Fund Webcast, Information for Medicaid Providers and a Checklist for Medicaid Providers Eligible for Federal Relief.

NC Medicaid has implemented COVID-19 rate increase functionality to reimburse hospice care provided in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) designated as a “SNF COVID-Outbreak site” or “SNF COVID-Response site” in a ratio consistent with how hospice care is reimbursed in all other SNFs. 

Per Section 4.6 of the North Carolina General Assembly’s recently approved Session Law 2020-4 (House Bill 1043), NC Medicaid is implementing a 5% rate increase for all Fee-For-Service (FFS) Medicaid providers who had not yet received a 5% increase during the COVID-19 public health emergency. 

North Carolina is experiencing increased community transmission of COVID-19 in many areas of the state, particularly among our historically marginalized populations, especially our Latinx community. Pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic spread is playing an important role. Updated clinician and laboratory testing guidance and a new resource on community testing in historically marginalized populations are available.

Congress created a $175 billion Provider Relief Fund to support providers as they deal with COVID-19. Recently, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began distribution of the first $50 billion of this fund—through the so-called “General Distribution” mechanism—for providers who billed Medicare in 2019. To help providers understand how to access funding, NC Medicaid has developed the Federal Provider Relief Fund: Guidance on How to Access “General Distribution” Funds.

In response to CDC recommendation regarding non-aerosolizing dental treatment during COVID-19, NC Medicaid is reminding dentists of the prescription fluoride products for patients at high-risk for caries.

NC Medicaid is implementing temporary clinical policy revisions that will allow dentists to provide additional services to Medicaid and NC Health Choice beneficiaries. These temporary policy changes were applied in the NCTracks system with a retroactive effective date of March 10, 2020.