Topics Related to Community Alternatives Program (CAP/C & CAP/DA) Providers

After Jan. 31, 2021, providers are required to capture EVV visits for all beneficiaries subject to EVV. Claims paid for services that are not captured through EVV may be subject to recoupment. 

An independent review of referrals for individuals seeking to enroll in the Community Alternatives Program for Children and Disabled Adults (CAP/C and CAP/DA) waivers is intended to provide an unbiased assessment to ensure the enrollment processes are executed appropriately in each waiver application. 

January marks the go-live date for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Phase 1 Implementation. Beginning on January 1, 2021, all providers subject to the Federal EVV mandate should make every effort to capture visits through their chosen EVV solution. 

EVV Training for providers using NC Medicaid’s EVV solution, Sandata, is now underway with instructor-led training webinars filling up fast. Training is required to ensure all agency employees are ready to capture EVV visit data.

NC Medicaid will host a Stakeholder Engagement meeting regarding Electronic Visit Verification on Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020, at 10 a.m. Registration is required. 

Clarification regarding Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) and how it applies to in-home caregivers, including service codes for EVV and frequently asked questions on this topic.

Providers subject to EVV are required to utilize an electronic verification system to capture in-home visits to align with the state and federal guidelines. The enrollment or selection of an EVV vendor must be made by Dec. 18, 2020, to ensure NC Medicaid meets the Jan. 1, 2021 deadline for implementation.

NC Medicaid’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system will launch on Jan. 1, 2021, for State Plan Personal Care Services, CAP/DA and CAP/C. During the first 90 days following launch, we will operate EVV as “Pay and Report.” EVV implementation for TBI waiver and LME-MCO services programs is planned for April 2, 2021.

NC Medicaid State Plan Personal Care Services (PCS) and Community Alternatives Programs (CAP) providers who render personal care-type services, are required to complete a secure survey regarding Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) by Dec. 7, 2020.

Effective Jan. 1, 2021, Personal Care Services and Community Alternatives Programs providers subject to Electronic Visit Verification will no longer be able to submit claims using span dating.