Topics Related to Personal Care Services Providers

Updates on the Sandata mobile app, telephony and fixed visit verification.
Claims that reuse the same visit key for multiple dates of service, MIDs, NPIs or procedure codes will deny.
Fee schedule rate corrected on Feb. 5, 2024.
This bulletin provides updates on NC Medicaid programs that received legislative increases to service rates in the Current Operations Appropriations Act of 2023 (SL 2023-134).
Mitigation process for any adverse impact for nursing facilities if a PASRR authorization is delayed.
NC Medicaid Direct programs will transition to NCLIFTSS by Oct. 6, 2023
NC Medicaid is continuing the extension of the temporary/interim estimated legislative rate increases.
NC Medicaid is continuing the extension of the temporary/interim estimated legislative rate increases.
Effective Jan. 1, 2023, the location field must have a valid value of 1 or 2.