Changing your Tailored Care Manager

Versión en español

You can change your Tailored Care Manager 2 times per year for any reason. To change more than 2 times, you must have an approved reason (such as inconvenient location, unable to provide services, or change in office hours).

These Medicaid health plans offer Tailored Care Management. To change your Tailored Care Manager, call the one listed on your health plan ID card or in your health plan welcome letter.

Your options for Tailored Care Managers

Tailored Care Managers can come from:

  • Your Medicaid health plan (Alliance, Partners, Trillium or Vaya)
  • Another certified provider in your community

Community providers are sometimes called “Care Management Agencies” or “Advanced Medical Homes.” They have met program requirements and have been approved by the state of North Carolina.

See list of community providers for Tailored Care Management

For help finding a new Tailored Care Manager, call the number listed on your health plan ID card.

All Tailored Care Managers have the same role and responsibilities, whether they come from your health plan or a community provider. The choice is yours, and you can change your mind later.

For complaints or concerns

Your feedback is important to us. If you had a negative experience with a Tailored Care Manager, we want to hear about it.

To file a complaint or concern, call the NC Medicaid Ombudsman at 1-877-201-3750. Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Need help?

These NC Medicaid health plans offer Tailored Care Management. Call the one listed on your health plan ID card or in your health plan welcome letter:

Don’t see your plan? Tailored Care Management is only available with Tailored Plans or NC Medicaid Direct; it is not available with Standard Plans or Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) Tribal Option. See contact information for all Medicaid health plans.

Not sure who to call? Call the number on your health plan ID card. Or call the NC Medicaid Enrollment Broker at 1-833-870-5500. Hours of operation: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. They can tell you which plan you have.

If you have a complaint or concern, or you need help understanding your rights and responsibilities: Call the NC Medicaid Ombudsman at 1-877-201-3750. Hours of operation: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. They are an outside group that can advocate on your behalf.

Don’t have NC Medicaid? Apply for NC Medicaid.

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