Tailored Care Management Impact Stories

These stories show how Tailored Care Managers help people in urgent situations through Tailored Care Management (TCM). They show how Tailored Care Managers make a big difference in people's lives by finding the right resources and support to improve their health and well-being.

Success Stories

TCM Meets You Where You Need It

In one situation, a Care Manager met an individual where he was standing outside a homeless shelter. The care manager worked with the individual and was able to have him connected to a temporary room. Currently, the Care Manager is working with the individual to establish permanent housing, in addition to sustained employment.

The shelter had arranged the housing but he had no way to get to the rooming house, so the Care Manager supported in getting him there. He also had nothing with him but a trash bag of clothes. The Care Manager and Care Manager extender supported him with resources for furnishing the room, including a mattress, and household essentials. TCM also has connected him to medication management services. He has had ups and downs since beginning the program but throughout it all remains in contact with his team due to the rapport that was built.

The individual takes a lot of initiative in his own treatment and life goals such as employment, but it is so helpful to have a service that is available to him when needed.

Care Managers Work with you in Urgent Situations

TCM efforts of getting people primary care visits are working. One individual was completely blind in one eye. Yearly, Medicaid covers the replacement of the individual's specially made contact. Unfortunately, before the next time insurance covered the cost, the individual lost their contact. With the help of TCM, the individual was able to get a replacement lens at no cost.1

TCM Supports People in Building a Brighter Future

One Care Manager began working with a formerly incarcerated young man. She has assisted with his transition, provided transportation as he got things in order for his new job, and is ensuring his physical health needs are met by lining up a needed dental appointment. This young man recently shared that he is excited about his future, and these are the stories that continue to drive our Tailored Care Management efforts!

TCM Connects You to the Right Care and Resources

A hard to engage individual with TCM had significant unmet needs and was facing housing issues. The individual was in and out of the emergency room weekly, sometimes daily. The Care Manager was made aware that the individual was in the emergency room. The Care Manager was able to establish trust with the emergency room staff and was put in contact with a hospital social worker. The Care Manager worked collaboratively with the social worker to identify a close family member for support. Due to the Care Manager's efforts, the individual engaged in TCM. Through TCM, the Care Manager located safe housing in addition to daily meals for the member. Prior to this connection, the individual shared that they had gone years without health care. The Care Manager is now working to link the individual to a Primary Care Provider.2

TCM Supports Whole Person Needs: Both Mental Health and Physical Health

An individual who had been going through many health issues related to her stomach began losing a lot of weight. A Care Manager engaged her, and she shared that this issue has been going on for the past year. Because of her mental health, doctors in her area refused to do an endoscopy and treatments she needed. The individual would get upset, as she was denied many appointments and surgery. At a certain point, she had begun to lose her vision. The Care Manager and Care Manager extender helped her get connected to a doctor in Charlotte. The Care team set up her free transportation to the appointment. The doctor found out she had a virus that was treatable with an antibiotic. Her health has greatly improved.  

1 Primary Care Solutions, Inc.
2 Daymark Recovery Services, Inc.